Friday, December 4, 2015


I spent the last year on the ceiling
Spinning & spilling my feelings
Looking for a critic
But I couldn't find one who lived it
Dropping dreams because the world seemd so cold
I isolated myself
Contemplated myself
& started to hate myself
.....but I'll wait like I always have

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Speaking facetious, as if I was conceited.....
Letters to the next, like promise me (that) you'll just read it....
I promised no keeping secrets...
Now all promises are deleted...
Its like I was with baby...
But you the one ain't keep it...
No, I don't know where your key is...
& honestly you can keep it...
Cause all the locks done changed...
& I promise you'll never need it...
That's the promise I'm keeping....

Friday, January 30, 2015

Kingism by Janishia S.

My king | my kind funny loving me as his queen and his rock his back bone my how the tables were jolted & rocked  my my how the comedy turns tragic how the laughter turns irritation  how Funny how Tragic
Undreamed images are imagined in the image : the image of my king
Tilted & bonded : my king
Finger snaps & blinks of n eyes
Depict time & an imagery
I saw u
fully & openly
I drank you
In a raw state
In a weakened state
In the don't trust me state
With you state
In an I'm for thy self & you will and mean nothing to me moment
This An ego-tripping nightmare
Snap "wake up " still stuck new image new sound same Shit new day , I see you my ostentatious king  through  degraded imagery my king your nothing but a court gesture In a designer clown suit

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Seeking counsel from hoes I pounded
This love shit is astounding 
She's telling me I reached the same errors with her before out relation was grounded
But I just beat around it
Cause in school I was a scholar 
But in the street I slang yay
So I'm still outside the circle 
Yet very well rounded
I say fuck it
We dump that hoe Love in a bucket
& get to trucking
That way when the old heads ask
'We just fucking'
So boot that ass up
I'm on my last cup
Imma take this last puff 
& tear that ass up 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A dull, mis-colored penny in the dirt that that no one will pay attention to,
I was a vacuum sucking in everyone elses’ emotions except for my own.
Trapped in a cage alone.
Nothing but my thoughts to keep me company,
And let’s be honest, those were like that annoying uncle that always stayed too long,
Telling boring stories about his youth; nobody cared to hear them.
Though they were poems in themselves that could not fathom themselves into stanzas;
My pen weeps ink for those that go unheard.
I never understood why the caged bird sung songs that fell on deaf ears.
You might as well tear off its wings,
It will struggle to remember what wind feels like,
It will never be free,
But I will still sing!
My flat lullaby’s will tuck me in at night,
And I will dream of a place where everyone is deaf.
Communicating only with emotions and eyes painted with tears,
Our fears will be on our sleeves,
And no one will have to say goodbye when another leaves,
It’ll be understood that they will be missed.
But eventually, I will have to wake up to a world that only notices when people smile.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm jealous.
Green in every sense of the word,
And my stomach turns just thinking about how close he is to you...
How he lays against you ever so gingerly,
And I'm afraid he will never know what warmth feels like.
Unless, of course, it's in the form of liquid coursing through his body,
And every bottle is a step closer to you and further from his dream,
If he could only get around his self-esteem to reach it.
But doubt breaches the outtermost layers of the labyrinth
And snakes its way in to penatrate the places only accessable through clad-iron locks,
And now he is stuck in the box that he's trying to think outside of...
And that's where you come in.
I don't know whether to applaud or look at you in disdain,
But either way,
The stain that will soon rest on your chest will be of your hands.
Your tantalizing lies of a better life can only satiate fo so long.
The caged bird can only sing so many songs before its vocal chords rupture,
And this structure that you have built composed of self-loathing and pity will soon fall.
The writing on the wall will still be red,
But only read by him.
Your constraints cannot hold him forever.
Your lies cannot mold him forever.
And when the day comes that he sees past your facade
And he begins to fight like the warriors of the Mossad,
The thought of you will dissapear.
And when the day comes that his breath has fled,
I will write another letter to his death bed

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Miss Marley

Normally she rolls blunts
But they take too long
So this time it's papers
Blow from a dealer she don't care to know
But she just need quick fix
She takes her time rolling
She wants to savor this piff
& its the perfect J
She searches bedside for a lighter
With no hope in sight
Trying not to blow the ambiance 
As she turns on the light
Now she's like, 
'Fuck it, I'll just use the burner'
Caressing the knobs on the stove
As if it could give her numbers
& its lit
She runs to the room just take her a hit
& at the first puff her legs shake
Trying not to pufff to hard cause the gas taste
& on the next puff the world quakes
Within the next few she becomes the person that the world hates
But she blowing on this shit just to ease her pain
& if you were as lonely as she is
you would feel the same
She don't even count the joint
She just charge it to the game
By the last puff 
She forget that things are tough
She leaves the room satisfied
She's had enough
But she'll wake the next morning
Feeling the same way
Same drug
Different dealer
Trying to relieve the same pain....
Miss Marley